All prints will arrive with notecards fully explaining the meanings of these symbols.
*There is also a Black Matboard option*
Add (BLK) to your item number if you prefer the Black Matboard.
If not, the Matboard will be white.
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"Aban" (Fence, Protection)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -1
"Adinkrahene" (King of the Adinkra Symbols)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -2
"Afena" (Ceremonial Swords of Gallantry)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -3
"Ako Ben" (War Horn, Call to Arms)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -4
"Aya" (Fern-Symbol of Defiance)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -5
"Biribi Wo Soro" (There is a greater force above)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -6
"Duafe" (Traditional Wooden Comb)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -7
"Epa" (Handcuffs, Symbol of Oppressions)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -8
"Fihankra" (Complete House, Sense of Security)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -9
"Fofoo" (A plant, Symbol of Jealousy)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -10
"" (They share one stomach but they fight over food)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -11
"Gyawu Atiko" (Hairstyle for Bantama Chief called Gyawu)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -12
"Gya Nyame" (It will take the power of God)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -13
"Hye Wonnhye" ( Those who are burned but do not burn back, Forgiveness)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -14
"Kodee Mmowarewa" (Sharp Talons of the eagle)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -15
"Kontire ne Akwam" (Council of elders, Democracy)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -16
"Kra Pa" (Sanctity, Good Spirit/Energy)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -17
"Kuntikantan" (Boastful, Need for Humility and Service)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -18
"Nkonsonkonson" (Social Chain of Humanity)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -19
"Nkyinkyim" (Versatility/Adaptability)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -20
"Nsaa" (Type of Blanket; Ability to recognize value, even in an old worn out blanket)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -21
"Nsoromma" (Star, Children of the Heavens)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -22
"Ntesie" (The wise do not repeat what they're told carelessly)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -23
"Nyame nnwu na mawu" (God is not dead for me to perish, Testament to God's Immortality)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -24
"Odenkyem Da Nsuo mu, Nso Onnhome Nsuo, Ohome Mframa " (The Crocodile lives in water but does not breathe water, instead breathes air)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -25
"Dwannimmen" (Rams Horn, It's the heart of the ram that leads it to bully, not the horns)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -26
"" (Chief's eye, The chief has many eyes. Nothings get's past them)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -27
"Osrane" (The moon doesn't suddenly go around world, Patience)
12" x16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -28
"Osrane Ne Nsoromma" (A symbol of faithfulness)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -29
"Owuo Atwedie, Baako Mmfo" (Everyone will eventually climb the ladder death)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -30
"Pempamsie" (There is Strength in Unity)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -31
"Sankofa" (You have to go back and get it, Make amends)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -32
"Sunsum" (The soul)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -33
"Wawa Aba" (Seed of the Wawa Tree. The Wawa tree is a hardwood used for carving)
12" x 16" (White Matboard Included)
Item: AS -34